Tuesday 29 June 2010

Is Flash Fiction Creditable Writing?

In the past my flash fiction has received some negative reviews because of the word limit. There is some confusion as to what flash fiction is and whether it is a valid genre in the writing world. For me flash fiction is the perfect write because an idea can be executed quickly and this often means there’s no time for questions and therefore it is more direct and honest. But with a lack of character development and commitment to create a well thought out story is it creditable enough for us writers?

I find when I do have time to write I am still unable to commit to something solid but flash fiction allows me to take a single thought and produce what I consider ‘a moment’ of what could potentially be a story or a novel. As a writer this has been a valid part of the learning process towards writing a more complex story or novel. In fact my flash pieces have been the start of something more solid.

When I first started posting my work I was unable to write more than a 1,000 words. Anything between 300 words and 1,000 is generally considered flash fiction, anything less is called dribble. In any respect a good writer in my opinion can capture a moment in a simple sentence and still make something with a character or a valid development in a plot. It can still hold all the elements worthy of a good read.

I also find that by limiting your word count flash fiction can also force the writer to think on their toes and get the most of their word limit. The plot and its characters can still do us justice in a small piece of writing, and if the characters hold interest then I myself am usually tempted to write more.

As a writer I don’t think we should be eliminating flash fiction as a credible genre especially when something like good short pieces of writing can help writers produce something more solid in the future. At the end of the day it’s a matter of opinion as to whether you like to read and write short or long stories, and as in life the focus should be on acceptance not whether it is wrong or right.

Further reading:




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